Friday, January 6, 2012


Welcome to the class blog for ENGL 110!!!

This will be our forum for discussing interesting videos, stories, commercials, or images that you all find out there in the big bad world. Once during the quarter you will work with a small group to select and post a piece of public writing that your group feels will elicit worthy analytic discussion. This includes, but is not limited to, blogs, Facebook comments, Youtube videos, personal and professional websites, Twitter updates, online news articles, etc. Your featured post will be the topic of that week's discussion. In your group, you will also be responsible for "facilitating discussion"--something we'll talk about in class.

If you're not posting / facilitating, your job will be to act as a "Respondent", whose job it will be to analyze the provided piece of public writing and talk about what you think the piece is about. My guess is you have all done this at one point in your life, either by commenting on someone's status, or getting into a flame war over a Youtube clip.  Here, you'll be doing something similar, but slightly more structured and focused. This blog does not exist so we can call each other n00bs.

Participating in the Blog Project is required and part of your grade, but it's also supposed to be a lot of fun. However, that fun element is really up to you. Because you guys are providing the material and directing the conversation, you can make this forum worthwhile or a giant waste of time.

Personally, I'm excited to see the kinds of writings you all bring in. I think we can all agree I have fantastic taste. Nevertheless, the Themed Readings I give out to the class are just a smidgen of the material available on the web. So, good luck and good hunting!

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